Missing teeth impact speech, eating, jawbone health, and self-confidence.

Combat these issues with implant-supported dentures at Chase Inspired Dentistry.

stability and support  while still feeling and looking like natural teeth. 

Compared to traditional dentures, implant-supported dentures provide greater

Implant Dentures vs. Traditional Dentures

Both traditional and implant-supported dentures offer solutions for replacing multiple or all teeth, restoring the ability to chew and communicate

While traditional dentures are well-established, implant-supported dentures provide additional benefits

Some of the benefits of implant dentures include the following:

Improved Speech

Greater Biting Force

No Adhesive Needed

Function Like Natural Teeth

Preserves Gum and Bone Tissues

Implant-supported dentures can offer all these benefits and more, depending on your individual situation.

Call us today at 

to find out how they can help you!